Influence Music Releases “Selah”

It was an honor to be a part of Influence Music’s new Spanish single “Selah” featuring Christine D’ Clario. Watch the video and listen to the song below and let us know what you think!

Fue un honor el poder ser parte del nuevo sencillo en Español por Influence Música “Selah” presentando a Christine D’ Clario. Mira y escucha la canción y video debajo y déjanos saber que piensas.



Te estado esperando por la eternidad

y en este momento no hay que avanzar

No hay misterio que te deba preocupar

ten paz, Selah

Tu victoria no te tiene que afanar

pues nunca tengo prisa para abrir el mar

Siempre has sido mi mayor prioridad

ten paz, Selah


Oye hoy Mi voz en tu corazón

con Mi paz tendrás clama en tu interior

En la tempestad, oye Mi canción

pon tus cargas en Mis brazos de amor

oh oh, oh oh


No tienes que huir de tu realidad

ya no hay que luchar por hacerte notar

Hecha sobre mi toda tu ansiedad

ten paz, Selah



En tu descanso Yo restauro,

remuevo y hago que todo mejoré

En tu espera estoy obrando,

quebrando y hago que todo funcione


ten paz, Selah

en Mi amor descansa


oh oh, oh oh

ten paz, Selah

Nidya Garcia

Nidya Garcia has been a musician and songwriter for many years. She began leading worship at the age of 12 through a student-led youth ministry and is currently the worship pastor at a local church in Orange County.

As a new artist on the rise, her passion is to see people of every nation, tribe and tongue singing as one. Her most authentic expression is through multi-lingual lyrics and songs that capture the essence of Holy Spirit. Her dream is to equip multi-ethnic/multi-lingual leaders of all ages to worship Jesus with contagious passion.

She and her husband, Marvin, currently live in Southern California and enjoy spending quality time with their daughter Melody Hallomai and building a small business “The Leather Branch”with the purpose of providing food and education to children in third world countries.